Release date: 1941 (initial release)
Director: George Waggner
MPAA rating: R
Prequel: Werewolf of London
Sequel: Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man
Welcome to my second Halloween review! In case you are not a dedicated follower, or you don't often read my reviews, every Hollows Eve I review one of the Golden Age horror films. These were the various films that were released by Universal Studios and which feature many of the classic horror film monsters, such as Dracula, The Mummy, Frankenstein, and the movie I have chosen to review this year, "The Wolf Man." Now, I haven't dabbled about too much in this area of film, although my first ever review was "Nosferatu" which was one of the first Dracula films ever made. The golden Age is a very special area of horror that I have decided, through my ramblings in the genre, should be handled with care. After all, some pretty incredible things can come out of a film that spawned an icon that would live even past its expiration date. This is, "The Wolf Man."
"The Wolf Man." The iconic character of horror that stands right next to others like Dracula, Frankenstein's monster, and The Mummy! What secrets would this furry beast hold? Well, Lon Chaney Jr. told me, and I'm going to tell you, but don't you tell anyone because it's a secret! Okay, so lycanthropy, or werewolf ism has to do with transforming from a man to a wolf at the sight of a full moon. The first alleged "Wolf Man" was Peter Stubbe, a resident of the German town Bedburg in the late 1500's. Now, Peter was not recorded to have ever transformed into a wolf, but his actions pertaining to them were quite clear. Peter Stubbe was executed for literally devouring sixteen humans, most of which were children. As punishment, he had his arms and legs broken, was skinned and finally cremated...Lon Chaney Jr. on the other hand, was not, and this is his story.
Sir John Talbot's (Claude Rains) son, (Lon Chaney Jr.) comes home and is the first to discover that a werewolf is residing in the forest of their town. After saving someone from getting killed by the wolf, he himself gets attacked and bitten. Through the duration of the film our hero must overcome the primal instincts of the curse brought upon him. Will his human side defeat the wolf inside him, or will this curse ultimately destroy him? I love this film, and it's great for so many reasons. Let's start with Lon Chaney Jr, son of the famous ""Phantom of the Opera." Here we have a performance that surpassed my expectations. Lon Chaney Jr. had adopted an acting talent unlike his father. One of the reasons why I like this character is because of his instant likability, and heroism. You really end up feeling bad for him when it is he who has to become the werewolf, and even more sad when the very person who has to kill him is (insert spoiler here).
In any case, Lon Chaney lives up to his father's fame, and it is quite interesting; the various similarities they have with their acting abilities. Moving on, the film does manage to retain a spooky atmosphere because of its forest and Gothic scenery. And yet it still takes place in the present (or rather ITS present); it being made in 1941. I'd like to think that the fact that the film is putting you in this position is making it much spookier. Most of this is due to the production value, which is wonderful. All I can really say is that golden age films just naturally fit together, retaining a camp as well as a spook factor far superior to other films alien to its kind. If you're a fan of horror that had been disappointed by, "The Wolf Man" 's counterpart released not too long ago, all may not be lost.
Watch "The Wolf Man" Here:
Next Review: The Rocky Horror Picture Show 1975